Clapari schi de tura si freeride La Sportiva Vega Ski Boot
RO - Claparii Vega reprezinta evolutia claparilor de schi de tura cu 4 clape dedicati amatorilor de ski-alpinism orientati spre freeride. Acesti clapari sunt combinatia perfecta intre forta, controlul, rezistenta si precizia unui clapar de schi alpin si mobilitatea si manevrabilitatea noii generatii de clapari de schi de tura. Claparii La Sportiva Vega sunt cotati cu indice de flex 125, mai mult decat suficient pentru orice amator de schi pe pante abrupte, in conditii grele. Mobilitatea articulatiei pe modul de mers este de 60°, iar rezultatul se concretizeaza intro usurinta remarcabila si confort pe urcare. Gheata exterioara este confectionata din Grilamid® ranforsat cu Carbon, iar rigiditatea este conferita de tehnologia patentata Vertebra Technology™. Talpa integrala Vibram® asigura tractiunea pe teren dificil.
EN - Vega Man is the evolution of the four-buckle ski mountaineering boot dedicated to all free-rider skimountaineers in search of the perfect combinationof the power, control, resistance and precision ofa downhill boot, with the mobility qualities, maneuverability and lightweight of a new generation ski mountaineering boot. The shell is made of light and resistant Grilamid® Carbon Renforced while the patented Vertebra Technology™ carbon-loaded locking system forms a structural part of the boot and facilitates the transmission of downhill power thanks to the exceptional “125-Flex”. The mobility of the cuff, equal to 60° of the total excursion, combined with the accentuatedrolling and the patented EZ Flex™ hinge system of the bootie, enhances the walkability of the product, which canalso be used for technical passages on rocks and slippery ground thanks to the integral Vibram® sole dual-compound/double. The dual compatibility with both race TECH and AT bindings allows excellent versatility of use.Vega: free your pow(d)er.
Detalii si caracteristici tehnice:
- Greutate: 1400 grame (1/2 pereche)
- Rotatia articulatiei pe mod mers: 60°
- Destinatie: Free-touring, touring
- Compatibilitate legaturi: Tech AT